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 Post Number: 51
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PostIcon Posted on: May 20 2001,03:47  Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Originally posted by CatKnight:

I just checked my physics books, and you are right. I humbly stand corrected. Copernicus was the one who said that the Earth revolves around the Sun, not the other way around.

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 Post Number: 52
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PostIcon Posted on: May 20 2001,06:41 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Originally posted by damien_s_lucifer:
Wake up, people. The rest of the world hates Bush because they can see him for what he is : a greedy, wormish oil man from Texas whose only job as President is to help his frat buddies get richer. The rest of the world liked Clinton because they saw him as a man who was seriously interested in the idea that the United States of America could and should play well with the other kids.

I couldn't have said it better!

I don't seem to understand you guys attitude towards the environmental problems. Scientists are proving that CO2 is a problem, and you just refuse to believe it. It's like saying "water is not H2O" and hold on to the oppinion when everybody proves you wrong. This is a problem that everybody on earth has, and a problem the US is directly responsible for (well..more than us anyway). You are the only ones refusing to believe it is a problem. Well, maybe there's some small countries around, doing the same as you, but with you being their oh so great heroes they'll only follow your footsteps and no others.

But the fact is, that this remains a problem. Everybody except the US and their discibles are working their asses off to produce valid solutions to the problem. And at the same time we use so little energy that we barely get by. We have resources to produce the energy, but we are not using them. Knowing that, how do you think it looks when some big fatty in the US is burning off tons of gasoline, with no concern at all, because he doesn't BELIEVE in the facts. I often hear people bitching about europeans blaming USA for everything, but look at the situations we've been discussing. Try really hard to look at them objectively. Is there anything indicating that you are not to blame? I don't blame USA for everything. Only the things where you are to blame. But if you feel like it's everything, maybe you should reconsider your behavior. Instead of wanting to rule the world try to cooperate in making the world a nice place to be. Please! That's all we're asking.

This message has been edited by Kolben on May 21, 2001 at 02:37 AM

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 Post Number: 53
Trog Search for posts by this member.
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PostIcon Posted on: May 20 2001,08:29 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Originally posted by damien_s_lucifer:

CLINTON EARNED THEIR RESPECT BY TREATING CHINA AS A NATION OF HUMAN BEINGS RATHER THAN A BUNCH OF NO-GOOD CHINKS. If the plane crash had happened under Clinton's administration, honestly, the Chinese would have probably held the crew a day or so and then sent them home. It would NOT have been the unnecessary standoff that it was, because Clinton would have not been up on his soap box acting as if HE was the shit, and the CHINESE were a bunch of brainless chinks whose sole purpose in life is to destroy the American Way of Life.

Wake up, people. The rest of the world hates Bush because they can see him for what he is : a greedy, wormish oil man from Texas whose only job as President is to help his frat buddies get richer. The rest of the world liked Clinton because they saw him as a man who was seriously interested in the idea that the United States of America could and should play well with the other kids.

I'm going to resist the "aahhaaa ahahahah" used by some other people in this tread, but wake up and smell the coffee, mate.

The rest of the world see Clinton & Bush as the same; greedy, druggy, dishonest politicians, who have their own interests first, and *everyone* elses's second.

Clinton has *persistently* proven that he has no spine; China has one of the worst human rights records on the planet, and have consistently been given Most Favoured Nation trading status by the USA, because Clinton lacked the courage of his moral convictions.

When the collision took place (IN International Airspace), the whole affair was unavoidable; China wanted to stamp it's authority on another US president, and Bush Wasn't Buying.

Don't get me wrong; I think Bush is a moron, and should have had the moral courage to sign the kyoto (sp?) accords and pull the process along, but the china thing actually wasn't his fault.

By the way, I forget who said that the USA's interpretation of international Airspace wasn't world standard, but you're living on another planet; *China* is using a non-standard, over-grabbing definition of their airspace.


Vi Forever! (or at least till you figure out how to quit..)

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 Post Number: 54
CatKnight Search for posts by this member.
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PostIcon Posted on: May 20 2001,11:22 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Scientists are proving that CO2 is a problem, and you just refuse to believe it.

that's not true, we are fully aware of our actions. we just aren't willing to just drop everything and live like europeans just because you do.

Everybody except the US and their discibles are working their asses off to produce valid solutions to the problem.

the US is the PRIMARY country LEADING THE WAY for better environment. we have spent BILLIONS on CO2 scrubbers, new power sources, electric/hybrid cars, and higher efficiency systems.

Try really hard to look at them objectively

you first

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 Post Number: 55
Kolben Search for posts by this member.

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PostIcon Posted on: May 20 2001,12:15 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Catknight you misunderstand this. You are the one who need to be objective about your problem to acknowladge that you have one. That's the hard part, I know. I am the one on the other side trying to explain your problem to you seen from the european point of view. But you aren't really listening to the words. You are too busy defending yourself, than actually seeing that there's a problem, and you've got the ball, waiting for THE tackle. When the world is irreversably damaged everybody will hate you, if you were to blame for it. And scientists say that it's very likely that you are.

And it's not only europeans that try changing their way of life, to reduce environmental problems. Actually you, along with a few exceptions, are the only ones not doing it.

the US is the PRIMARY country LEADING THE WAY for better environment.

I don't know wether to laugh or cry. That's the total opposite of the real world. When people are talking about environmental problems they look at you as the bad guy. Actually my country is the one USA is going to, when new energy sources are being developed. For instance, we invented windmills, and wavebrakers to absorb natural resources. But my complaints are not about you inventing stuff or not. It's about you refusing to save a little energy, if it cause just the slightest problem. Remember the fact that you use more than twice the amount of energy per person than other people in the world. This is measured in households, and has nothing to do with your industry at all. Your attitude is just plain wrong. If you need more energy, you go find more energy. In other countries, we see that as a last resort. If we need more energy we optimize our stuff first with new tech. In the US you DON'T do that. You give it more power, but you can feel it economically you start thinking about optimizing. Airconditioning along with lot's of other stuff is extremely energy consuming and really not nescesarry in most places. That's one of the things we optimize or turn off in Denmark.

And yes, you are fully aware of your actions, but you do not care about the consecuenses they might have. This is what I meant when saying you refuse to believe the facts. This is a major attitude problem, not respected anywhere else in the world. If the reality doesn't suit you, then you start making up excuses and start disagreeing with the scientists. But the scientists are more qualified than you to produce facts.

I'm not saying, that we're perfect, but at least we try.

About objectivity. I am very objective about this. But when objectivity points a negative finger at you it's difficult to even talk about the problem with you. Because (don't kill me for saying this) a generel american attitude is putting the fingers in the ears yelling "I'm not listeniiiing" whenever there's a problem. Actually I was hoping that you didn't. And most of you actually didn't so thank you for that.

But you Catknight...grrr

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 Post Number: 56
CatKnight Search for posts by this member.
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PostIcon Posted on: May 20 2001,12:44 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

But the scientists are more qualified than you to produce facts.

I am the scientists I'm also an engineer who helps make things as efficient as possible (and use taxpayer's dollars to read detnet at work hehe).

So just to summarize: You think that I'm just a fat american driving a huge SUV and wasting tons of electricity while I smoke cigars and laugh at poor people. Well that's close, but you still got a long way to go. In reality, you are comparing a huge industrialized nation as large as your entire continent to a tiny little country filled with...wait what do people from denmark even do?


a generel american attitude is putting the fingers in the ears yelling "I'm not listeniiiing"

you call that objective?

This message has been edited by CatKnight on May 21, 2001 at 07:45 AM

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 Post Number: 57
Kolben Search for posts by this member.

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PostIcon Posted on: May 20 2001,13:29 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

I am a scientist too. BUT...notice the 's' in the end of the word. Scientists working together to investigate this issue, has a lot more to say than you and I do as persons. When lots of scientists agree, there's a great chance that it might be true, and should therefore be considered.

AND GOD DAMNIT!!! Don't take everything I say so fucking personal. I wasn't talking about YOU. I was talking about europeans prejudice towards americans.

you call that objective?

Again you missed the whole point. The point in that paragraph was about being objective towards the problem instead of just refusing it. I didn't say be objective to everything all the time. I don't even believe you read it like that.

I'm gonna give up soon. You simple aren't capable of understanding what I'm saying. I'll take an english course or something and come back, though I doubt it would help even a bit.

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 Post Number: 58
PersonGuy Search for posts by this member.
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PostIcon Posted on: May 20 2001,13:48 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Originally posted by CatKnight:
are you one of those weirdos that thinks the moon landings were just hollywood stunts too?

LOL... no. All I'm saying is when they say (I'm going to MAKE-UP a #) the earth is about 16,000,000,000 years old, you have to assume that they could be off by a couple million years! When you try to judge the temperature of something as large as the Earth there's a VERY large margin of error... and a 1\% increase (which could very well be a 1\% DECREASE if it were possible to study it in a CONTROLLED environment) isn't enough to make me run for the hills OR unplug the toaster at night.

"The only thread about ME likened me to poo shaped mummy."
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 Post Number: 59
CatKnight Search for posts by this member.
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PostIcon Posted on: May 20 2001,15:29 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

personguy-if we were to continue increasing co2 output as well as chloroflurocarbons then within 100 years you could grow oranges in the northern territories and the equatorial zones would be uninhabitable

kolben-have you heard of a thing called Natural Economics? it's where you take into account all natural resources into your opportunity costs equation. by doing this, you can see that the cost of giving up what we have now, we would loose much more then if we continue production, and gradually change our ways.

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 Post Number: 60
damien_s_lucifer Search for posts by this member.
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PostIcon Posted on: May 20 2001,17:15 Skip to the previous post in this topic.  Ignore posts   QUOTE

Originally posted by Vigilante:
Zuh? Clinton was China's bitch.

No, it's the other way around. China was Clinton's bitch. Did you ever see the debate that he had with their premier? it was amazing to watch... both men struck me as being very intelligent, and honestly interested in working together.

Here's some news for all you morons who think that the threat of WAR is the most effective tool ever:

CLINTON EARNED THEIR RESPECT BY TREATING CHINA AS A NATION OF HUMAN BEINGS RATHER THAN A BUNCH OF NO-GOOD CHINKS. If the plane crash had happened under Clinton's administration, honestly, the Chinese would have probably held the crew a day or so and then sent them home. It would NOT have been the unnecessary standoff that it was, because Clinton would have not been up on his soap box acting as if HE was the shit, and the CHINESE were a bunch of brainless chinks whose sole purpose in life is to destroy the American Way of Life.

Jesus... if a Chinese plane crashed in this country, you don't think we'd detain them??? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... and if China started threatening to BOMB us, would we have willingly given them back? Yeah, like we'd let America lose face like that... and of course, we'd be right for that, but when the Chinese do that they're WRONG and a MENACE that needs to be defended against by reviving "Star Wars"???

Clinton would've been cool with the Chinese... he'd dialed up the Premier and say "I've got a bunch of upset people over here... you know, these guys have families.... you understand. They'll be back tomorrow? Cool. Thanks." And that would've been that.

Wake up, people. The rest of the world hates Bush because they can see him for what he is : a greedy, wormish oil man from Texas whose only job as President is to help his frat buddies get richer. The rest of the world liked Clinton because they saw him as a man who was seriously interested in the idea that the United States of America could and should play well with the other kids.

Every country has it's fringe of idiotic zealots who will fall for anything, as long as you wave the flag enough and tell them that their country is the greatest, toughest, most deserving nation ever to exist on the planet, and that all those other people are dangerous and out to get them. Unfortunately our country has more than our fair share of this people... even supposedly smart people like CatKnight.

This message has been edited by damien_s_lucifer on May 21, 2001 at 12:26 AM

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