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 Post Number: 71
Dark Knight Bob Search for posts by this member.

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PostIcon Posted on: May 21 2001,13:55  Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

how the fuck is
"calmly" pointing out my mistake?

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 Post Number: 72
Wolfguard Search for posts by this member.
Flyswatter of the Apocalypse

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PostIcon Posted on: May 21 2001,15:19 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Time for me to open my mouth.

First: I would have dumped a cruse missile with an incendiary round right into the front windshield of our plane sitting on the ground over there. To the first person to complain I would have looked them dead in the eye and recited his home address. Then calmly tell them that a transport plane is on the way to pick up my people.

Second: I just want to point out that the government cut all funding for Fusion research. This is clean, free, toxic waste free, electricity. The only thing you get is some waste heat that you use to drive a seawater treatment plant to provide drinking water. This was done by Clinton. I also want to point out that no other country has picked up the project.

Third: There has not been a nuke plant built since TMI. This is kind of stupid. We need the power. Build the nuke plants.

Fourth: Anyone that does not stand up to an invading dictator should not mouth off about it being the "only thing we could do." Hell, out numbered and out gunned we got rid of our dictator over 200 years ago. Don't tell us that there was nothing you could do. You grab your fucking balls as a people and you fight. If you don't, you must be on the side of the dictator. I would rather be exterminated because I chose to fight than survive with the knowledge that I, as a people, let a person through that murdered millions of innocent NON-COMBATANTS. Remember, one man with heart can change the world with a single shot, just think what an entire group of people can do in there own house.

Fifth: As for George W. He is a fucking moron that we, as a people, did not vote into office(not that gore was any better). That process needs to be changed. That is wrong and that is fucked up. But, guess who will be changing it. The same fucking morons that got voted in by it.

I think I'm done.

Fucknuggets flamed while you
Robot Conflict

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 Post Number: 73
Dark Knight Bob Search for posts by this member.

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PostIcon Posted on: May 21 2001,15:23 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

and scientists are like this -----> |--| <---- close to acheiving sustainable fusion i mean its like nearly there just a few more dollars and we wont have to worry bout energy. but bush's plans gonna go tits up when he realises that increasing fossil fuel production will mean that stuff like petrol is gonna run out in like 25 years instead of 50-60 or so. and then he'll be in the shit cos there wont be and alternative
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 Post Number: 74
CatKnight Search for posts by this member.
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PostIcon Posted on: May 21 2001,16:39 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

"calmly" pointing out my mistake?

that laughing was at the begining of my post and was referring to demonk actin' a foo' and did not apply to the whole thing.

e was one of the best presidents you've had recently.

what, since Bush Sr.?

as a people, did not vote into office

no matter how you look at it, around 50\% of the voters did vote for him, so you can't be like "he doesn't deserve to be president" because he won fair and squaw'

as for fusion-as much as i'd like that to be true guys, we are still a good 2-4 decades away from useable fusion technology. thats 40 years of dedicated research with lots of money, which isn't going on now. even if sustainable fusion is reached, you're still paying ฤ billion for a 1 GW reactor (enough to power a suburb), which is like 1000 times more expensive then electricity now.

as for kolben and his US energy policy bitching, you have no understanding of how the economy works apparantly. we don't have enough power to run the country right now. not a good time to cut back, really. good time to build more power plants and drill more oil to prevent a recession. also, you complain about us using so much oil and getting cheap gas, well i'm all in favor of a gas tax here. it would get people to stop being morons and buying SUV's. however, you can't just instantly say "ok gas is now 3 times more expensive. have a good day". that would lead to a recession that would have world-wide consequences. we are gradually increasing the price of oil naturally, which is the way to go.

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 Post Number: 75
Dark Knight Bob Search for posts by this member.

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PostIcon Posted on: May 21 2001,16:41 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

science is like overclocking you dont worry about how much money you put into the prject as long as you get some bitch hot fast machine type thing at the end of it
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 Post Number: 76
pengu1nn Search for posts by this member.
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PostIcon Posted on: May 21 2001,19:53 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

omg, about time i got through those posts (incase you wonder i read everyone one of them can't stand to miss something).

from what i have gathered:

Kolben needs to goto hell, he is a selfcentric, egotistical bitch who needs something to blame for his lack of balls, this happens to be the us. denmark this, that, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, denmark blah, hi, all i can talk about is how much better denmark is compared to the us. here we like to help ppl and let them go through our country to kill more ppl cause we are a bunch of panise ass bitches. but have you heard the latest from denmark? well you know denmark just.... ah yes, here in denmark we are all better than the us, other than the fact that we are pussies. the us uses lots of power blah blah blah, its not because they are the biggest industrialised nation in the world, its because they're not like ppl here in good ol denmark.

if everyone in denmark is like you maybe hitler targeted the wrong ppl. kolben you say your opened minded but you just can't seem to get that denmark stick out of your ass. you should open up your maind alittle more than the borders of denmark and quit trying to be better. i don't say i'm better than denmark, i don't say my contry is better, i preffer to be equals (minus the whole more ppl/land/money thing) until you want to talk shit about me and my country, after you do that you lose my respect, everytime you have spoke up here it has been about my country, i don't nessicarliy mind that except for the fact that you think you are some much fucking better that everyone else. my advice to you would be to fall off you high horse, learn that your not the best, and of course FUCK OFF.

thank you for you time over in denmark.

"this one time in denmark"
(hahahahahaha, couldn't resist)

oh ya, if your pissed you had to read this long post about denmark just blame the us, cause denmark would have done it better and faster and it would have meet the energy bill signed by some ppl in denmark, for the denmark energy convention in denmark

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 Post Number: 77
demonk Search for posts by this member.
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PostIcon Posted on: May 21 2001,21:39 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

as for fusion-as much as i'd like that to be true guys, we are still a good 2-4 decades away from useable fusion technology. thats 40 years of dedicated research with lots of money, which isn't going on now. even if sustainable fusion is reached, you're still paying ฤ billion for a 1 GW reactor (enough to power a suburb), which is like 1000 times more expensive then electricity now.[QUOTE]

But your forgetting one thing. Once we have the technology and know how to start the reactions, it will be insanly cheap to produce more fusion plants. But you are probably right about it taking decades, but not 3-4, more like 1-2. So what if it is expensive? The high initial cost now will be more than made up for very quickly once we have it up and running. Diverting the funds to build older power plants will end up costing us more in the future.

We only have a finite amount of fossil fuels on the planet. You can't argue that, it is fact. By increasing our relience on them, we will deplete them faster. You talk about a recession(which is not really happening, but that's for another thread), but what about the recession when we run COMPLETELY out of fossil fuels? It's not like we can suddenly create an alternative power source. We must be planing for the future now and be working on fusion power, or maybe even anti-matter, since we do know how to create that. But what should I expect. Most of us in the US can't plan for more than 2 months in advance anyway, so I'm shit out of luck asking any one to plan for 20 years down the road. Guess I better become a multi-trillionare soon so that I can build my own moon colony and get the hell of this rock before it all goes down the toilet.

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 Post Number: 78
askheaves Search for posts by this member.

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PostIcon Posted on: May 22 2001,00:20 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Grrr. Lot's of stuff bugged me here.

First (stealing from Wolfguards model : Sithiee, shut the fuck up. I don't want to hear WWII shit in this thread. The only relavence it has is that Denmark hasn't always been the perfect utopia that it is today. It had to work very hard, without using more than 3 Joules of energy, to get to it's happy-go-lucky puppy-fucking free-love way.

Second: Shut up, Denmark representative. I didn't see a color glossy brouchure, but I'm almost sure you were trying to get us to move there... or vacation there... where you would hit us in the head with rocks as we sleep... or something.

Third: I don't care if Bush is a moron. I personally don't think he is, but I know for a fact that he isn't the only guy running the show. There's a host of some very bright people whispering in his ear. I'm comfortable with that. And he is not an evil person bent on making oil money. There's easier ways to make oil money than be the leader of the free world.

Fourth: Clinton wasn't a great leader. He was a bastard that was spineless. More concerned about his own image than his effects. And people didn't hate him because of Monica. People hated him 5 years before that, but it got blown up so big because of that hatred. He was a lying bastard and was lying to the whole world and called it diplomacy.

Fifth: I'll talk of the auto industry, because that's my area of expertise at this point. The US has some very clean cars. The SUVs may take in far more gas, but overall all that is coming out of the back of those vehicles is CO2. I'd prefer CO2 to the other crap that can come out. Like, CO, NO, NO2, N2O, various simple HCs, complex chain HCs, alkanes, alkeynes, aromatics, etc. In the US, we are actually attempting to do things like emissions controls and emission detection, where the rest of the world does very little about that. That's the business I'm in... and the US is the only place you'll find that sort of business. That doesn't take care of consumption, but at least it's an attempt to get rid of that yellow haze sitting above your cities every morning... that's NOx, if you're curious.

Finally: As for how horrible the US is. We're hated because we're the biggest, and people are jealous of how we can live more than anything else. But, really, is it that bad? Is the US personally walking up to your door and shooting your children? Are we taking your gold? Are we carpet bombing your shopping malls? If we had to have an election on this planet as to which country we would like to have this power, who would it be? I'd pick the US because it's benevolent, but at the same time stands up for human rights a hell of a lot better than some Nazi country would.

I'm tired. It's tuesday, and I've worked 25 hours already this week. Don't see a lot of that in Denmark! (spineless ribbing)

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 Post Number: 79
CatKnight Search for posts by this member.
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PostIcon Posted on: May 22 2001,00:37 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

askheaves-the US is the only country (that i am aware of) which has a significant percentage of large cars. pretty much no one has a truck or a SUV in europe or israel, but here its gotta be atleast 30\%. i think only a small percentage of people here have geo metro's, but a large percentage of people in europe have cars of similar size.

Once we have the technology and know how to start the reactions, it will be insanly cheap to produce more fusion plants.

you are incorrect. with nuclear fission plants, once the technology was developed, it was up to industry to make it happen, and cheaply. 50 years later, they did it. nuclear is now the cheapest form of electricity. the reason for this is that even with all the rediculously expensive NRC regulations and safetey precautions, after you stick the fuel rods in the pressure vessel there isn't much different from a coal plant. a fusion reactor is completely different. it requires superconducters, insanely powerful magnets, high-powered lasers, a PERFECT vaccum (very difficult to maintain), deuterium and tritium (the latter being very expensive, radioactive, and has a relatively short half-life), and most important of all, a constant feed of a large amount of energy. even after ignition, the power consumed by the magnets and coolant systems is comparable to the output power. this won't change within 50 years, at the very least.

also, to everyone who thinks there is a limited supply of fossil* fuels, if we convert all nuclear reactors to the breeder type, there will be enough uranium and plutonium to last for thousands of years.

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 Post Number: 80
Frosty Search for posts by this member.

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PostIcon Posted on: May 22 2001,01:47 Skip to the previous post in this topic.  Ignore posts   QUOTE

Originally posted by Sithiee:
and yeah, i can compare, because my examples were valid. the first one, where vasili takes the bolt action rifle and kills those guys, thats not entirely unrealistic. the second, with stargate, if youve seen the movie, youd understand (i dont know if you have.) the entire civilization was ra's bitch, because his guards had those weapons. and for a long time they were too scared to stand up to them, and then they fought back. yes, a lot of their people died, but they still won. this is my point. they didnt take shit from them, because they were willing to die rather than take shit from ra. in your example, your just being an idiot. yes, i suppose technically those situations could happen. but thats a purely action movie. both movies i cited were not, because they werent completely unrealistic.

you can take it in the ass from bullies all you want, and maybe you like that, but i personally dont like taking it in the ass, so when people give me shit, i hand it right back. its called standing up for myself. something you apparently dont understand.

Okay, i'm going to reiterate. If you take your examples from movies, and say that "This could happen," then you are retarded. Most things in movies COULD happen. However, the likelyhood of that occuring is slim to none. So don't count on it.

As for the bullies, you must not have read what I put. Here's what would happen in my situation, which I feel was much better suited to the topic being argued here. I let the bullies go by, there are no problems, but now they control the yard. Not like I would've slowed them down anyway. You take your stand -- you die, the bullies take over anyway. If you want to toss your life away for a hopeless cause, so be it, but there's a fine line between bravery and stupidity; martyrdom and suicide.

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