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Topic: Yet another made for TV war, And again, american oil companies profit< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
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PostIcon Posted on: Mar. 10 2002,22:03  Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Yes, the circuits for remote control of aircraft are in place but the system to do it is not built yet.  these systems are disconected on the aircraft and would take a major retrofit to make them active.  It would of been easier for the idiots to activate this on aircraft during maintance and take control of the planes that way then what they did.  Well, we hoped it would be easier.

Somehow i doubt these systems are inactive, but you seem to speak with some authority on the subject, so ill defer to your superior not-being-at-liberty-to-say......  =)
Anyway, that was just one of a few possible proposals i've seen on how america directly orchestrated the attacks on the WTC and pentagon.  Others include Osama being a puppet of the CIA, the hijackers being CIA operatives (brainwashed or otherwise), and i've even heard something about small nukes being what brought the towers down when the planes didn't get the job done.

And why would the US target the WTC?  Something that most Americans can't understand the true financial importance of?  And would you crash a plane into military headquarters if you were planning to start a war?  That's just not common sense.

We're talking mass mind control here wiley, not common sense.
Problem, Reaction, Solution.  They create a problem (the attacks), use the media to manipulate america's collective knowledge of and response to the attacks (reaction), then comes the important part, the solution (the whole goal of the operation, invading Afghanastan.)
Our national collective psyche has been traumatized by this event, in a very specific and targeted way.  Our self-identity as a nation is built on two things above all else: Ecconomic superiority, and military strength.  Both of these were attacked in the space of 45 minutes.  
The purpose of these attacks is to traumatize our collective culture to the point where we will shut the fuck up and do whatever Big Brother says is best for us.  Liberty is good, but when you get down to it, most people would rather be alive than free&dead.

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 Post Number: 12
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PostIcon Posted on: Mar. 10 2002,22:09 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

That would solve the problem of nuclear waste, however, if the rocket EVER malfunctioned in a way where it crashes or explodes, all of those radioactive isotopes are going to be spread around the atmosphere, increasing cancer rates worldwide.  In order to SAFELY send radioactive material into the sun, we need Superman.

Or maybe we need something more reliable than 50 year old rocket technology with a nifty 80's space age plastic veneir on it.

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 Post Number: 13
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PostIcon Posted on: Mar. 11 2002,02:23 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE


I wasn't expecting a thread as cool as this on here, badass!

I must say I'm not decided, but I definitly believe that the oil companies, and Bush's agenda definitly agreed with this whole thing happening.  I remember my opinion being written off in the aftermath (check the WTC thread.)  

Maybe if they had been more subtle about it I wouldn't have got it so damned quickly, but I mean, it wasn't 10 minutes after I saw the building topple live that I heard them blaming it on the middle east without any evidence and running big headlines on AMERICA AT WAR.  I'm not joking when I say that I watched CNN on September 11th and saw "THIS HORRIBLE HORRIBLE TRADGEDY! ::pictures of smoking rubble:: So, how are we going to invade the middle east?  And what exactly is our target there?  Oh, and this'll probably mean stricter control of civil liberties, but look at that SMOKING RUBBLE!"  ...well maybe I'm exagerting a bit ;)

I'm very glad to see some actual thinking though, I mean even if we're wrong at least we're questioning what we're told, right?  I just can't stand people who'll blindly believe what their told in the face of evidence.

~[b]Anztac[/b][ [i]All Who Grok are God[/i] ]
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 Post Number: 14
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PostIcon Posted on: Mar. 11 2002,03:35 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Here's some more "facts" for you conspiracy theorists.  I'll send the first person who can produce a copy of any of the patented mentioned in this "article" $20 bucks.  How easy is that?  Now who wants to prove once and for all that this stuff does exist.  Yeah, I'm too lazy to bother either  ...and I have to go fill my tank with gas as well.  Sure wish I had one of those fancy water engines.  But then again, water is like $6 a gallon.

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 Post Number: 15
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PostIcon Posted on: Mar. 11 2002,03:48 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

omg this thread is 95% grade-A bullshit. well here is the stuff i can directly refute right away:

Nuke Fussion funding was killed in the senate due to lack of intrest.  When did we loose intrest in energy from seawater?

fusion power never recieved much funding from the government to begin with. it was funded privately and by universities (i think some european countries and japan dumped money into ITER however). the government never pulled the plug on anything. fusion power is just not in our grasp yet. oh yeah and it is NOT just taking energy from sea water. you need deuterium (water with hydrogen-1's) and tritium (water with hydrogen-2's, very toxic, decays within a couple years, expensive to make).

Somolia was...ok, you got me there, still not sure why we were there.

for the same reason we were at normady and the balkans jeez. to prevent genocide.

Less global warming/green house effect

there is no evidence of man-made global warming

it wasn't 10 minutes after I saw the building topple live that I heard them blaming it on the middle east without any evidence

you mean there was no evidence, except for all the piles of evidence and confession tapes found right afterwards at the airport parking lots? hmm..

The point is they are sitting on tech that would loosen their strangle hold on the economy.

this is a common misconception that is not based on any rationale whatsoever. you have no proof. your reasoning as as thus:

1) why do we still have gasoline cars?
2) i heard about some new electric car just designed!
3) why dont we all have those electric cars now?
--brain fart--
5) there must be something sinister preventing us from having electric cars
6) it must be the oil companies, they have the most to gain.


here are the facts now:
1) we will NEVER have hydrogen fuel cell cars. there is not NEARLY enough platinum on the planet for the fuel cells for all the cars in the US, let alone the world.
2) very few people will buy electric cars, as their practical range is only ~80 miles at best.
3) because people are not buying electric cars, gas stations will not waste their money on chargers.
4) if you want a hybrid car, go out and buy one yourself they are available anywhere. stop bitching for christ sakes.


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 Post Number: 16
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PostIcon Posted on: Mar. 11 2002,04:34 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Less global warming/green house effect

I gotta agree with CK here.  The evidence is there to suggest that global greenhouse gas production is having a small effect on the global climate, but from what i've seen, this seems to be miniscule compared to naturaly occuring global warming trends.

Maybe one day, far in the future, man will invent weather control devices, and we can have snow on christmass in philly=)

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 Post Number: 17
Dysorderia Search for posts by this member.
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PostIcon Posted on: Mar. 11 2002,05:08 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Quote (CatKnight @ 10 Mar. 2002,19:48)
omg this thread is 95% grade-A bullshit. well here is the stuff i can directly refute right away:

Nuke Fussion funding was killed in the senate due to lack of intrest.  When did we loose intrest in energy from seawater?

fusion power never recieved much funding from the government to begin with. it was funded privately and by universities (i think some european countries and japan dumped money into ITER however). the government never pulled the plug on anything. fusion power is just not in our grasp yet. oh yeah and it is NOT just taking energy from sea water. you need deuterium (water with hydrogen-1's) and tritium (water with hydrogen-2's, very toxic, decays within a couple years, expensive to make).

Somolia was...ok, you got me there, still not sure why we were there.

for the same reason we were at normady and the balkans jeez. to prevent genocide.

Less global warming/green house effect

there is no evidence of man-made global warming

it wasn't 10 minutes after I saw the building topple live that I heard them blaming it on the middle east without any evidence

you mean there was no evidence, except for all the piles of evidence and confession tapes found right afterwards at the airport parking lots? hmm..

The point is they are sitting on tech that would loosen their strangle hold on the economy.

this is a common misconception that is not based on any rationale whatsoever. you have no proof. your reasoning as as thus:

1) why do we still have gasoline cars?
2) i heard about some new electric car just designed!
3) why dont we all have those electric cars now?
--brain fart--
5) there must be something sinister preventing us from having electric cars
6) it must be the oil companies, they have the most to gain.


here are the facts now:
1) we will NEVER have hydrogen fuel cell cars. there is not NEARLY enough platinum on the planet for the fuel cells for all the cars in the US, let alone the world.
2) very few people will buy electric cars, as their practical range is only ~80 miles at best.
3) because people are not buying electric cars, gas stations will not waste their money on chargers.
4) if you want a hybrid car, go out and buy one yourself they are available anywhere. stop bitching for christ sakes.



CK ain't speaking out of his ass for once ;)

Sir? May I recommend I load myself into the reverse-thrust tubes and you use my body as decoy-fodder? This will, of course leave me splattered across deep space and unable to complete today's laundry, for which I apologise in advance.

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 Post Number: 18
veistran Search for posts by this member.
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PostIcon Posted on: Mar. 11 2002,06:30 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Quote (Wolfguard @ 10 Mar. 2002,12:11)
America was planning to attack afghanastan EVEN BEFORE THE WTC ATTACKS!!!!!

This is true.  These plans were in place.  One of the first things bush did was draw up these plans.  In the 8 years of hillarys rule not a damm thing was done to these fucknuggets and bush was not going to make the same mistake.  If hillary had done this when she was incharge we would not have to do it now.  These plans were drawn up because of things like Embasy bombings in africa and the USS Cole.

Just like we have plans for using nukes on russia and the middle east.  CNN and the rest have been saying this all weekend like its a new thing.  Guys, we have a nuke plan for everything.  Hell, even panama had one but it was pretty much an end of the world story and was just this side of aliens landing and helping out panama.  Get over it.  We have nukes and we have plans to use them.  Having and using are 2 different things.

Yeah, it drives me insane how people have such a hard time coming to grips with the fact that the government has plans for just about everything.

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 Post Number: 19
Wolfguard Search for posts by this member.
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PostIcon Posted on: Mar. 11 2002,13:40 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

fusion power never recieved much funding from the government to begin with.

Hmmm... i always thought that DOE was a goverment agency.  The toak at Princton was built and funded mostly by them.  75% of the money used to build the toak came from DOE.

oh yeah and it is NOT just taking energy from sea water. you need deuterium (water with hydrogen-1's) and tritium (water with hydrogen-2's, very toxic, decays within a couple years, expensive to make).

And where does this water come from?

Somolia was...ok, you got me there, still not sure why we were there.

for the same reason we were at normady and the balkans jeez. to prevent genocide.

Ah...must of missed that or its my german background that kept me from caring.  either way.

Less global warming/green house effect

there is no evidence of man-made global warming

But there is evidence of localized green house effects over cities.  Since most people refuse to tell the difference i put them both in.


here are the facts now:
1) we will NEVER have hydrogen fuel cell cars. there is not NEARLY enough platinum on the planet for the fuel cells for all the cars in the US, let alone the world.
2) very few people will buy electric cars, as their practical range is only ~80 miles at best.
3) because people are not buying electric cars, gas stations will not waste their money on chargers.
4) if you want a hybrid car, go out and buy one yourself they are available anywhere. stop bitching for christ sakes.

There is more platinum on the earth than neon and we use a hell of a lot of that just in vegas alone :)
There is platinum in every cars exaust system sold in the US.  Check out what makes a catalytic converter.

If you increase the range to 500+ miles they become practical.  There are battery techs out there that will allow this.  Kinda funny how far laptop batteries have come in the last 2 years.  Light weight, long life, rechargable...  2 years?  Batteries have been around how long and they just made the jump to a better battery?

Ill buy a poor atempt to keep the tree huggers happy when hell freezes over.  I have seen what an electric car can be.  


You first :)

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"screw the fireball spells...i got a case of WP grenades and a case of teddy bears!"
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 Post Number: 20
CatKnight Search for posts by this member.
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PostIcon Posted on: Mar. 11 2002,14:57 Skip to the previous post in this topic.  Ignore posts   QUOTE

oh yeah and it is NOT just taking energy from sea water. you need deuterium (water with hydrogen-1's) and tritium (water with hydrogen-2's, very toxic, decays within a couple years, expensive to make).

And where does this water come from?

thats like saying "and where do the materials used to build the space shuttle come from? the ground!"

But there is evidence of localized green house effects over cities.  Since most people refuse to tell the difference i put them both in.

agreed. thats why we have catalytic converters, honda's, and co2 scrubbers. i think we will have 80-100 mpg car engines before we have electric cars wide spread.

There is more platinum on the earth than neon

wow you're ass must be really loose, cuz that was a big one you just pulled out of there.

as for the battery stuff, the best ones we have are lithium-ions. they are very expensive, and even if you loaded a car up with them you only get about 100 miles. that's in a car that would cost > $35,000.

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