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Microsoft Virtual Server 2005
Posted by jon on Thursday, April 06 @ 23:14:16 BST (115079 reads)
Microsoft jiggyfresh writes:
On April 3, Microsoft announced that Virtual Server 2005 R2 Enterprise Edition will become available as a free download. You can use Virtual Server to create a robust virtualization environment for your production server consolidation, to support disaster recovery and high availability scenarios, and to consolidate mixed workloads including Linux guest operating systems.
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Patch your servers now.
Posted by just_dave on Wednesday, September 10 @ 20:27:46 BST (24772 reads)
Microsoft jim writes:
I remember a lot of you getting burned the last time this came around for not patching when a fix was available.

So consider this your warning.
Microsoft Security Bulletin MS03-039
Buffer Overrun In RPCSS Service Could Allow Code Execution (824146)
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Opera Turns MSN Into Bunch Of Muppets...
Posted by Beldurin on Saturday, February 15 @ 07:22:19 GMT (17520 reads)
Microsoft rsm_1979 writes:
MSN dirty tricks have led browser company Opera to produce a new version of its latest software. A few weeks ago MSN, a Microsoft division, was hauled up in the press for deliberately ruining its output to Opera's web browsers. Now Opera has hit back in style.

Opera has released a version of its latest web browser that works properly on every site but one. Visit MSN using the special version of the browser and you'll find all the words are turned into the language of the Swedish chef from The Muppet Show.
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''What Goes Around, Comes Around!'' Mitnick Hacked!
Posted by just_dave on Tuesday, February 11 @ 12:05:24 GMT (14593 reads)

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The world's best-known computer hacker suffered the indignity of having someone break into his new security consulting company's Web site. But Kevin Mitnick shrugged it off as "quite amusing," not serious enough for him to call the FBI.

Mitnick, whose federal probation on hacking charges ended a few weeks ago, acknowledged that this weekend's electronic break-in at Defensive Thinking Inc. of Los Angeles was actually the second time in weeks that hackers found a way into the computer running the firm's Web site.

Welcome back message --

A hacker calling himself "BugBear" added one page to Mitnick's corporate Web site on January 30 with a message, "Welcome back to freedom, Mr. Kevin," and added that "it was fun and easy to break into your box." He included a photograph of a polar bear with two cubs.

Another, similar break-in occurred Sunday by a hacker in Texas who asked Mitnick to hire him as the company's security officer.

In neither instance did hackers vandalize the company's Web pages, and one said in e-mail that he didn't do damage "out of respect for me," Mitnick said.

Mitnick said he did not contact the FBI because the break-ins didn't involve any financial loss to his company, which advertises "training and expertise to help you stop information theft."

The FBI and Justice Department would not comment. More Inside!

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kazaa,kazaa,kazaa ,its nothing compared to kazaa lite
Posted by just_dave on Wednesday, January 22 @ 02:52:10 GMT (24203 reads)
Microsoft THE NEW freeWARE wich has old kazaa tide down! If you have old kazaa WARNING: SPYWARE is/was included in all of your downloads,Take some advice get kazaalite or get >>>>>> for more info on kazaalite contact me or go to=
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Microsoft To Reveal Windows Code!
Posted by just_dave on Wednesday, January 15 @ 13:59:25 GMT (13046 reads)

Tech giant attempts to woo governments...

SEATTLE (AP) --The source code Microsoft Corp. has long guarded as secret intellectual property is now becoming the carrot dangled before governments to keep them from defecting to competitors' software.

Microsoft on Tuesday announced a new program to make the underlying code for its Windows operating system available to several governments and governmental agencies for viewing.

The software company has already signed agreements with the Russian government and NATO to allow them to review for free the underlying programming instructions that Microsoft has long guarded as secret intellectual property.

The decision will let governments evaluate for themselves the security of the Windows platform, Microsoft said. It also will give them the technical data they need to develop their own secure applications to work atop Windows.

Rest inside. _________________________________________
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Internal Microsoft Documents Swiped
Posted by waltre on Sunday, November 24 @ 05:00:35 GMT (13267 reads)

According to the folks at, this article (Nov. 22, bit old) detials that Microsoft have had several internal documents snatched from an "insecure server" and released to all who wish to see them here.
"Included are a detailed comparison of Windows 2000 and Unix in the context of converting Hotmail's backends, the structure of Microsoft's Network Operation Center, and other documents of interest to IT people."
The link is active, I couldn't find it on slashdot? Makes for some interesting reading nonetheless...
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This has potential...or not
Posted by Beldurin on Sunday, November 17 @ 10:27:40 GMT (17057 reads)
MS is unveiling its new wifi monitor at Comdex this weekend. Essentially this allows for a "wireless" monitor. However, the article is extremely vague. Is the monitor battery-powered? Is the data transmission encrypted? Imagine sitting in your cube with a sniffer and decoding what's on your boss' monitor. What? You want me to work on Saturday? Sure...let me just email the screen caps of you browsing to the VP and then I'll write that in my schedule.

The Magic of 'Mira' At the heart of these new lightweight LCD displays is special software that Microsoft developed under the code-name "Mira." The program, now called Windows CE for Smart Displays, allows the displays to wirelessly communicate with any personal computer running the Windows XP Professional operating system. How it works is fairly simple. The computer sends the data needed to create the icons and pictures for display using Wi-Fi, a wireless communication standard typically used to network different computers. The smart display picks up the data using a built-in Wi-Fi receiver and creates the images as needed.

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Napster Cofounder Tackles Email Issue...self updating?
Posted by just_dave on Tuesday, November 12 @ 22:35:05 GMT (15688 reads)

Napster co-founder Sean Parker uses a diagram on the relationship of Plaxo and Outlook in Plaxo offices in Mountain View, CA.
Plaxo is a software app that automatically updates contacts on Microsoft's Outlook program!

How long till we hear "Plaxo" and "virus" in the same sentence?

whole article cut and pasted inside. LA Times.
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Microsoft To Eliminate Paper and Pen, New Tablet
Posted by just_dave on Thursday, November 07 @ 11:00:24 GMT (17542 reads)

Never lacking for ambition in its quest for new markets, Microsoft Corp. is taking aim on what many consider a relatively secure redoubt from the march of technology: pen and paper.

After years of hype and promises, more than a dozen computer makers today will begin selling portable computers featuring Microsoft's tablet software, which allows users to enter text with keyboards or a stylus similar to those for hand-held organizers from Palm Inc. and others.
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ERROR 404, Found, This Page Is Not.
Posted by just_dave on Saturday, September 14 @ 18:08:12 BST (9818 reads)
Microsoft You've felt it. You know the power of 404. You're surfing one night, you've got your new modem, your fast Mac, your ergonomic mouse, your precise mousing surface. Bring it on. You've got 7 windows open at a time, and you flip through them like dealing cards. You could tile them on the screen, like a little website mosaic, but you choose to keep them stacked on each other, so that each flip is a new adventure. Then suddenly, it screeches to a halt: 404. You don't want to believe it; that site was there last week! You reload, hoping it was a fluke. How could your painstakingly-compiled bookmarks betray you? 404 glares back at you, challenging you to contact the referring page's administrator. Questioning your spelling skills. What does 404 want from you? Relax! 404 is your friend. It just wants to help you get where you want to go. It might intimidate you at first, with its stark white background and unadorned black text. But just think about it for a minute: 404 is baring its soul for you. It gives you its message and asks nothing in return. No login and password, no banner ads, no mailing list to keep you informed of future updates. All 404 has, it offers to you, knowing the likelihood that you will scorn it nonetheless, and leave as quickly as you came in. And 404 will continue to do so for every visitor, regardless of color, religion, or gender. 404 is nothing if not fair.
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Teen sentenced for Bush death threat
Posted by jim on Saturday, August 10 @ 07:52:30 BST (17786 reads)
Microsoft ic0n0 writes:
Madison - A teenager who was serving a sentence for mailing then-President Clinton a death threat was sentenced Wednesday in federal court to more than four years in prison for mailing a death threat to President Bush and bogus anthrax to his attorney.

Forrest Gabor, 19, was an inmate at Lincoln Hills School in Irma when he mailed a letter Dec. 29 to Bush stating, "I can't wait to see you die," said Assistant U.S. Attorney Daniel Graber. Two days later, Gabor mailed a Virginia attorney, who represented him in a 1999 conviction for threatening to kill Clinton, some powder Gabor said was anthrax, Graber said.

The letter to Bush was intercepted at Lincoln Hills and turned over to the Secret Service. The Virginia attorney received the letter from Gabor and gave it to authorities, who determined that the powder in the envelope was not anthrax.

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RSS. Email. More cool shit?

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I'm still wondering if kaas is gay


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