RIAA Web Site Defaced, Taken Offline
Date: Friday, August 30 @ 05:43:36 BST
Topic: detonate.net!

After drawing the ire of the online file-swapping community and Internet users at large, the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) Web site was defaced and taken offline Wednesday. The defacement, described as "the funniest hack ever" on a forum site, resembled the normal RIAA site but featured such links as "Piracy can be beneficial to the music industry" and "Where can I find information on giant monkeys?"

Ok, part of me is smirking and laughing at this, but another part of me is saying "Way to go, show the world that MP3 users are just a bunch of whiny hackers just like the RIAA wants everyone to think." The part about the giant monkeys was funny thought :)

This article comes from detonate.net

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