Mickey Mouse Turns 700
Date: Sunday, November 17 @ 10:11:09 GMT
Topic: In the News

According to this article, Mickey Mouse was not created by Walt Disney, but Austrian fresco artists 700 years ago.

"The fresco dates from around 1300," said conservator and art historian Eduard Mahlknecht.

Records of Disney's earnings from this plagiarism show that Walt Disney would be expected to pay some $9.7 billion in royalties to the rightful creators of the character, the monks of a small church in the village of Malta, in Carinthia Province, Austria who died over 600 years ago.

Speaking from Walt Disney headquarters today, Michael D. Eisner, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer at Walt Disney said "It doesn't matter, if any ***** tries to make us pay up we will shut down every single source of entertainment in the world."

"You dipshits will never learn" said Eisner, as clouds of smoke rose from his nostrils "We 0wn everything. You dumbshits should have known better than to elect governments that allow corporate absorbtion until one company 0wns everything!"

Eisner began to spit blood at this stage, and harrassed the listening crowd of fearful onlookers.

"Really you mush-heads, you will go back to bed, keep giving us your money so we can dumb down your children with shitty music and dont forget to impulse buy a whole bunch of merchandise on your way out".

Sources say that it is unlikely that Walt Disney will ever be brought to justice.

"It is very difficult to get a company to comply to things like this, when the company holds more international power than Austria itself."

The fresco will be burnt by Disney some time next week.

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This article comes from detonate.net

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