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 Post Number: 31
Sithiee Search for posts by this member.

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PostIcon Posted on: Oct. 17 2000,21:19  Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

jynx, i was anything but rude to those damn cops who were "helping" me with what happened, and did i still get an earful from people who dont know what the fuck they are talking about? yes. in my experience, nice cops are the exception, not assholes. you probably dont fit the "profile" of a ganster, i.e. you are probably white upper class and older than 20. meanwhile, without even taking the time to see whats wrong with a situation, we automatically get blamed. there is something wrong with my car, and it has steadily gotten worse since the aforementioned incident. the cop assumed that because it was new, there was nothing wrong with it. he also assumed that because im a new driver, i dont know how to drive manual. actually, i can honestly say im better with manual than automatic, cause ive never driven an automatic. all cops love to play the blame game. especially blaming people who cant do anything back. if i did start talking back, you know hed make up some shit about me doing something and either a) beat me with his club, or b) arrest me or some shit. ITS BULL SHIT. I SHOULD NOT HAVE TO ENDURE THIS, I DID NOT DO ANYTHING MALICIOUS!
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 Post Number: 32
Jynx Search for posts by this member.
resident n0b0dy

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PostIcon Posted on: Oct. 18 2000,05:02 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Sithiee, try coming back when you have something to add to the conversation. Oh, and wipe the foam off yer mouth--someone might think yer rabid.

Whiskey, that's a BRILLIANT idea--let's take an exception and apply it to the entire community. Of course, if I did that, then I'd have to assume that every single high school kid is creating and executing an elaborate plan to murder as many people as they can before committing suicide.

Perhaps, however, it might be more accurate to say that a specific police force, a.k.a. LAPD, seems to have a problem. Yes, I agree that there are some cops that are total jerkoffs. I agree that some cops are crooked, and only some of those have been caught. However, I maintain that applying the exception to the majority of the group is wrong.

I also maintain that your attitude, under most circumstances, will dictate how you are treated. Yes, there are exceptions, but more times than not you can influence the encounter, for good or ill.


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 Post Number: 33
cerebrus Search for posts by this member.

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PostIcon Posted on: Oct. 18 2000,05:14 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

ok, easy there avalanche.
"...all cops are useless assholes..."
Thats like a little kid saying he hates his grandma on christmas cause all she ever gives him is a sweater or some junk. Some people should be so lucky to recieve things, not matter what, and for some clothing is superspecial cause they got none.

Basically you are the little boy who does not realize the great service thats being provided. Sure there are some asshole dead-turtle fucking cops out there. Ive have indeed met a few. But then there are those that risk their lives daily for others for pretty shit pay, and abuse from assholes like you. I was in a car wreck 6 years ago, and i had my nappy ass hauled out of the car by a really nice ""pig"".

The point being that gross-generilations do not make assholes out of others, but only your self. be a bit more specific in your critisms there pally.

"When you get to hades, pray that I've just eaten..."

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 Post Number: 34
askheaves Search for posts by this member.

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PostIcon Posted on: Oct. 18 2000,05:42 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

My car was broken into along with 3 others a couple of years ago at 4AM. It was Milwaukee PD that saw the act going down (four kids breaking into 4 cars), and busted in to get them. The cops chased down the kids, who scattered, and got them all. The youngest kid, who refused to be searched for weapons (presumably because he had a lot of stolen stuff in his pockets), got a pretty good beat down, handcuffed, etc. The quote from the cop: "Those are usually the little shits that carry guns".
Take it how you want, but I was ecstatic to know that the 4 had been caught, the cops were trying to protect themselves, and the kids were going to have some fun in lockup. My favorite part of the ordeal: My friend noticed that the cops had pulled about 17 lighters out of the punks' car and had them on the roof. He said, "Nobody has 17 lighters and doesn't smoke a lot of weed."
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 Post Number: 35
whiskey@throttle Search for posts by this member.

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PostIcon Posted on: Oct. 18 2000,17:47 Skip to the previous post in this topic.  Ignore posts   QUOTE


Aside from Voltaire's feelings towards pithy idioms, birds of a feather really do flock together, and people are routinely judged by the company they keep.

Think about this: in the above example regarding the four kids, the presence of a multiple lighters was used to infer cannabis use. Maybe the cop was right, maybe he was wrong. Either way, he shouldn't have made that conclusion. What if the kid collected lighters? What if he had some obscure use for them? As extreme and unlikely as it may seem, I think the point stands clear - the cop used profiling as a bias. He based a standard of judgment on the kid from a stereotypical notion he carries about weed smokers.

As a Los Angeles native, I do the same with the police. * One bad apple ruined the entire bunch, and when coupled with the unchecked amount of badge-flashing, gun-waiving autonomy these cops have, I don't trust any of them. If you can't trust one, and you can't tell the good from the bad, then logically you can't trust any of them...

...those which are not your friends, are truly your enemies.

*edit: Yeah, I know it seems hypocritical...but if they're doing it, so am I.

This message has been edited by whiskey@throttle on October 18, 2000 at 07:02 PM

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