Forum: Rants
Topic: Withdrawal
started by: ic0n0

Posted by ic0n0 on May 12 2002,08:19
I ran out of medication yesterday, and well I didn’t go get any new meds today and lone and behold WITHDARWL! The best way I can describe what I am feeling is worse than any  withdrawal I have had before (Nicotine, Caffeine, Heroin) it is not that I crave my meds but my brain feels like it is physically shaking, I can not keep my eyes from going all nuts. My brain feels like it is shivering like it was cold or something, you know how when you shiver sometimes after you take a piss your body shivers well imagine that in your brain but much more intense and constant. I mean my world is just not right. It also seems like my eyes individually are not focusing on the same thing, so part of my vision is fuzzy and then another part and the part that was fuzzy becomes real clear then fuzzy.
Posted by damien_s_lucifer on May 12 2002,12:32
i know how you feel all too well.

wait until you start throwing up!

you'll feel better as soon as you get your meds.  if you don't get them for awhile best advice I can give you is to take Benadryl to calm your nerves, sleep a lot, and hate your doctor for calling it "discontinuation sydrome" with "mild flu-like symptoms."
Posted by editor on May 12 2002,23:44
I too, know about withdrawal.

the heebeejeebees, I called them.
Visual hallucinations wouldn't let me sleep; they were too distracting.
Audio hallucinations that were interesting, sometimes pretty, but distracting too.
Hot flashes followed by cold sweats.

I am in no mood to try heroin.

I'm with you, ic0n0...
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