Forum: Rants
Topic: Do you still equate morality with religion?
started by: Rshias

Posted by Rshias on Apr. 26 2002,02:38
From this article:

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"In the end, the cardinals stopped short of a "one strike, you're out" policy toward abusive priests. They said Wednesday they would recommend a process to defrock any priest who has become "notorious and is guilty of the serial, predatory sexual abuse of minors." In cases that are "not notorious" they would leave it up to the local bishop to decide.

Right, because anyone can mess up once and molest a child. It's only an issue if it becomes habitual. I guess this is what happens when your mandate from god is to love everyone, even boy-hungry pedophiles masquerading as priests.
Posted by kuru on Apr. 26 2002,02:54
I don't like kids.

I downright despise kids.

But there's something I despise more than kids.

Child molestors.

It's never acceptable and should never be excused, not once, not twice, not fifty times, not EVER.

For these fucks who think it's 'not a problem' if it only happens once, how bout they ask the kid who was victimized if it was a problem? Why so much concern for these fucking pedophilic criminal bastards and none for the innocent victims of their abusive ways?
Posted by ic0n0 on Apr. 26 2002,02:56
Don't get me started with the Catholic Church, I was born into a catholic family and I went to church every so often and I also went to catholic indoctrination classes. That was until I was 16 and said to my parents "no I don't believe in the Catholic Church to be correct and I am not catholic so I will not go to church or to the classes." My parents are not really religious people I knew this but I guess they just needed a wake up call, since that point both of my parents have left the church, they both still are in a round about way Christians but they have since come to dislike the organization of all of the Christian churches. My parents are really secular humanists, they still claim to practice Christian teachings sort of but they do not really have any emphasis on Jesus. They also pulled my sister out of a catholic school, she was going there because the local public school was and still is lax in it’s teaching.
Posted by DuSTman on Apr. 26 2002,04:04
I think modern morals may be more closely connected to religion than most people believe.

My theory is that there are certain things that we have a genetic disposition not to do to each other individually, like killing each other (except in tribe-vs-tribe battles, I think that's different). Most people from one tribe wont do very much killing of other people from the tribe.

However, I do think that the concept of "morality" is enforced and embellished by experiences from the parents and society as a whole (ie when was the last time you saw a film where the bad guys won? Quite a while i suspect, and even less on kids TV)

But even if a child rejects his parents ideas on religion they'll still probably absorb some of the ideas about right and wrong from them and society as a whole. People will therefore absorb ideas on morals that may have come from a religious background even though they reject the religion itself.
Posted by Beldurin on Apr. 26 2002,07:20
Yeah, read that this morning in USA Today (I know, I know).

Un-freaking believable.  Didn't the Pope say something like "there is no room for anyone who hurts children in the Church?"  It doesn't matter whether it was 30 years ago or 30 minutes ago.

The solution?  One word:  castration.
Posted by Rshias on Apr. 26 2002,07:41
Quote (Beldurin @ 26 April 2002,02:20)
The solution?  One word:  castration.

While that's not the word I'd choose, it's a start...
Posted by kuru on Apr. 27 2002,14:26
I think 'death and consignment to hell for eternal damnation' would be a better punishment for someone who's fucking small children.
Posted by Beldurin on Apr. 27 2002,15:46
Quote (kuru @ 27 April 2002,08:26)
I think 'death and consignment to hell for eternal damnation' would be a better punishment for someone who's fucking small children.

The Hell part will take care of itself.  I personally can't see the Church justifying the death penalty however.
Posted by Wolfguard on Apr. 27 2002,16:23
I’m not a Christian by a long shot.

I think its funny that the guy that came to earth saying he is the son of god got nailed to a cross for spreading the message be nice to each other and the world will be a better place.

My beliefs think it is a crime against the pack to let one of the pack die when you have the power to stop it.  The Christians had the Indians with their religion right up to that point.

Simply put, the maker would never let his own offspring die to make a point.

On the same note.  there is good stuff in the book the christians put so much stock in.  basicly the be nice to each other parts.

I do have a problem with a group of people that say "all our holy men must be celibate."  and when they molest little kids they just move them to another area where no one knows what they did and puts them in contact with little kids again.

Child molesters, all of them, should be taken out back and shot in the neck and their bodies left for the birds to pick at.  No burial, no respect shown, no last rights, no nothing.  Make sure the kid(s) they molested see the body and know its dead.  make sure they know that thing can no longer bring harm to them.

I would say nail them to a cross or roast them slowly but that would require me to spend to much time with them.  These things are a bearly a step below hitler in my book.
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