Forum: Rants
Topic: Sleep
started by: Beastie Dr

Posted by Beastie Dr on Apr. 22 2002,07:44
Jesus fucking christ.  I hate it that you can't sleep when you need it most.  I doubt I will sleep for more than two hours tonight, and tomorrow I am greeted with two tests, a rather large assignment I haven't started because I DON'T KNOW HOW (AP Physics is a bitch), and a blood drive.  I'm wondering two things about donating blood:
A) Can I drink enough coffee to get a person wired through a transfusion?
B) Will consciousness be an option after this?

FUCK, before the drive, I know I'm going to be in the nervous haze that comes with little or no sleep, and afterwards...I don't even know, probably a migraine.  And, as it just so happens, I have no more medication.  Awwww yeah.
Posted by Wiley on Apr. 22 2002,15:25
Donating blood will help with the sleeping problem.  If it doesn't then sneak in for a second donation.  :D
Posted by CatKnight on Apr. 22 2002,17:58
whoever recieves your donated blood laced with caffeine will get a nice surprise
Posted by damien_s_lucifer on Apr. 22 2002,22:04
Benadryl takes care of insomnia real fast.

If it's chronic insomnia, go see a dr. and ask for trazodone.  Nice thing about traz is it's not based on a tranquilizer like Halcyon or Ambien, so you can take it every night without getting addicted.  Also, it makes you rest *better* so when you wake up there's no drug hangover.  You just feel like you got a good night's sleep.
Posted by Beastie Dr on Apr. 22 2002,23:30
Ever gotten really stoned and taken a long, hot bath?  Then, did you get up really fast?  Yeah, that's what it was like after giving blood today.  As for the sleeping aids...I wouldn't want tranquilizers...why?   ;)
Posted by Rhydant on Apr. 23 2002,03:19
i gave blood last week and all i got was a stupid shirt.

just dont drink anything before hand and you might just pass out.
Posted by kuru on Apr. 23 2002,13:43
Eventually you get used to insomnia.

When you constantly spend all your time half asleep, you start to adjust to the routine and it's not quite so bothersome anymore.

I've been maintaining a pretty insomniac state for the last five or six years, and it's working out OK. You'd be amazed how much more you can get done when you sleep four hours a night and use the other 20 to keep yourself busy.

Although I wouldn't reccommend making little chocolate computers, staying up till six in the morning re-evaluating a relationship with someone you once found about as attractive as your brother can be a fun, productive, confusing way to burn the hours!
Posted by Beastie Dr on Apr. 24 2002,01:34
[edit] I have poor taste.

Posted by Jimi on Apr. 25 2002,10:00
At one point about 2 years ago (Death in the family, I took it really bad and still am) I didn't sleep for about 5 days solid, not even a bit of a kip.

I ended up falling down my stairs because I just lost the feeling in my legs and slept at the bottom in a heap. That was not a good time for me. When I woke up about an hour later I hurt everywhere but it felt good to have had a couple of hours sleep.

I still occasionally have bad days when the memories kick in again and I can't sleep again but not as often as it was. I tend to sleep a bit better now, however a friend of mine always notices when i'm not sleeping because he knows me so well and we go out on a big chill out chatty session and I usually end up falling asleep in his car... At least he gets me to sleep.
Posted by Mhoraigh on May 04 2002,11:06
This semester I've been getting an average of about 3-4hrs of sleep at night. I get an hour nap in whenever I can during the day...but for the most part I just can't sleep. I think the whole last semester of undergrad stress (thesis) is the main cause (although I suppose I can blame becoming single after almost a year and related stupidities).

Insomnia does go away when your mind is relaxed enough to take a break. Although I'm more awake after Tai Chi than any other time of the day and that's the only time my mind takes a break from everything..
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