Forum: Rants
Topic: Living history
started by: Wolfguard

Posted by Wolfguard on Feb. 12 2001,11:29
This started in the classroom and is now a rant of mine.

I have seen some cool shit in my 35 years on the planet.
I (bearly) remember the moon landing.
i remember Apollo 13 when it was on the news.
i remember the tall ships in 1976
ibm xt and everything that came after.

I was in panama in december of 89 and for the year and a half that lead up to that action.
I remember the Berlin wall coming down on tv and thinking to my self that maybe the human race does have a chance.
I remember how at one time we respected our elders and teachers and look at kids today and know that the human race is screwed.

I remember all this stuff people. I dont need some 14 year old fucknugget to point out to me things like they just read all of this stuff in their history book!

WHOOPING ASS, although solidly criticized by politicians and overprotective mothers everywhere, is a good thing. If the cavemen had used their unique talents to foster a nurturing and non-competitive environment the planet would be run by leopards
< >

Posted by Dark Knight Bob on Feb. 12 2001,11:33
erm...yeah /:-?

Hey DKB shu'p with all that jibba jabber ya crazy foo!

Posted by Dark Knight Bob on Feb. 12 2001,11:43
oh now i see! yeah that must be a bit piss annoying
Posted by Wolfguard on Feb. 12 2001,13:54
Originally posted by Dark Knight Bob:
oh now i see! yeah that must be a bit piss annoying

Yes it is. I dont need a youngun to remind me just how old i am

WHOOPING ASS, although solidly criticized by politicians and overprotective mothers everywhere, is a good thing. If the cavemen had used their unique talents to foster a nurturing and non-competitive environment the planet would be run by leopards
< >

Posted by askheaves on Feb. 12 2001,14:49
I'm sure you remember being a youngin like us... it's only been a few years. Did you really respect everything of your elders? Sometime around 22 or so, most people start to slide downhill on the hipness. I can feel it starting already.

The disconnect occurs, and the animosity stem from a lack of understanding. We have a hard time relating to what you guys went through, since we didn't live through it. In the same respect, you have a hard time understanding what we live through too. It's easy to dismiss the kids as young and dumb... they don't respect their elders.

I've seen it. People don't think outside their generation well. It's not like I could live like my parents did. My parents were in high school in the 75,76 time. It was a wholy different world. Can't get away with free love, and being high all the time. Christ, I didn't even take any drugs until my Junior year of college. I work with 6 people with kids around my age, and that's everybody here. I don't know how in the hell we all get along, but they like me and I like them. Still, it's weird since their lives are completely different than mine, and it's tough to relate sometimes.

So, I guess in a roundabout way, I'm trying to say that it's hard for us to relate to people that are older than us because the world changes so quickly that every generation is completely different. We didn't live through those important world shaping events. We can't relate.

We still love you, though, Wolfguard. You bring a sense of maturity, and class that most of us don't posess. Don't ever leave us

Posted by Wolfguard on Feb. 12 2001,15:52
first i need to add to my list of things i remember.
Leaded gas, cars without catylitic converters and cars without computer controled engins.

I remember being a youngun. I always had respect for my elders. Im thinking it was the way i was raised. I grew up in a time when parents were allowed to spank a young child with out fear of arrest. So i guess im saying that it was part fear of our elders and part respect.

With that fear part removed the animal part of the human soul gets to be a bit more bold...

Also most of the people that were my elders were mechanics, welders, iron workers, mechanical engineers and plumbers. Quite a wide range of people. That and the fact that my dad built and drove race cars put him on my "cool" list.

Genarations do get disconected from each other. That is why places like this are so good. You have to read the information, see how it stacks up with your views on life, think about an answer and then post it. It helps the knee jerk reaction of "its older/younger then me it must be wrong".

Granted some fucknuggets just come in with tanks full and start flaming away because they are threatened by anything that does not fit their views of life. (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!) I admit i get that way sometimes but i try to curb it as best as i can. There are others that come in and just dont have a clue at all on how life works.

I enjoy the fact that i am this old. I like knowing where i was when the world changed for the better or worse. I like knowing that i was part of some of those changes. I can die knowing that i have changed lives for the better.

I enjoy challenging the young. pissing them off so they are forced to think. Trying to teach them the basic things that somewhere along the line were missed. Things that i was tought or learned the hard way. If i can keep one person from making a mistake that i have already made then my time here is not wasted.
Yes, genarations get disconected, but it does not have to be that way. There is a lot to be learned in both directions.

The world can be changed, either in great leaps through tech, policy, or force of arms; or slowly, one person at a time.
The wisdom of change is figuring out if its a change for good or bad.

WHOOPING ASS, although solidly criticized by politicians and overprotective mothers everywhere, is a good thing. If the cavemen had used their unique talents to foster a nurturing and non-competitive environment the planet would be run by leopards
< >

Posted by blanalex on Feb. 12 2001,21:54
I can tell you that the break between generations is in reality a big gab now.

I'm 20 and since last september, I'm working in a high school that I was frequenting not even 6 years ago.

I'm on one of the last "crop" to be called "génération passe-partout" (from the name of a tv program), and i can tell there's a huge difference between people born before 1982 and those who are born after this.

The generation after passe-partout is the generation of one-child-families, where the parents would try to compensate the lack of brother or sister by giving more toys. This is also the beginning of the king-child where the child has to do no efforts, got everything they ask simply because everything is due to them.

This is my point of view, and I'm still a bit being skeptical that it really represent the whole truth because I'm too close of the subject. However, after talking with teachers who I work with, it seems to still describe somewhat closely the reality here, in Quebec.

#define QUESTION (2b)| |!(2b)

Posted by blanalex on Feb. 12 2001,22:21
Passe-montagne aime les papillons,
Les souliers neufs et les beau vestons
Passe-carreau culbute, saute et tourne en rond
Où est passe-partout?
Le nez dedans son baluchon

Passent vite-vite cannelle et pruneau
Avec le zèbre on court au galop
Quand on chante on chante comme des oiseaux
Où sont mes amis?
Ils sont ici, ils sont ici
Ils sont ici.

ahhh the memories

Posted by askheaves on Feb. 12 2001,22:46
French is a dumb language.

One of my friends, who did some kindergarten work a few years ago, remarked this:

"A kid said, 'And now you know...', and I said, 'and knowing is half the battle.' The kid didn't understand."

What a crying shame. I belong to a very narrow band of person who grew up in the 80's (born 1978). It was a decade where the economy was strong for the working middle class, so there was so much toy marketing for kids... we were a fertile ground. They just don't make entertainment like they did during the 80's.

I feel proud to have a knowledge of that time, but most younger than me wouldn't give a damn about any of that stuff. They wouldn't understand a site like < > . They would look at it like I look at Foghat... BTO... who friggin' cares. The generation gap brings that about: pride in your own generation, and resentment of all others... it's just our nature.

Posted by kuru on Feb. 12 2001,22:48
respect for elders is fine..... if those elders deserve the respect.

quantity of age is not, in and of itself, a basis for that. quality of life is. i'll sooner respect a 35 year old who has lived well, and been a good person, than a 53 year old who hasn't.

and that does not just mean people older than me. i respect people young and old based on whether or not they deserve respect.

as far as what i can remember... mt st helens, leaded gas, where i was when the challenger exploded, BETA vcrs, gasoline that cost under 90 cents a gallon, vinyl records, life before there was AIDS, the reagan years, the 'me decade', madonna - the tutu years, 8675309, ryan white, medical waste washing up on the beach, the exxon valdez, oingo boingo, the berlin wall, the persian gulf...and a whole lot of other things.

'dancing is the vertical expression of horizontal desire.'
-robert frost

Posted by askheaves on Feb. 13 2001,01:19
I'll always respect my 'elders'. I respect pretty much anybody who doesn't act like a tool. That's why I get along so well with the 6 other 40-somethings that I work with. I can respect them as people, and leave their views alone, but I'll always think of them as old fashioned (doesn't help that, by coincidence, they seem to all be Lutheren).

And, even at 22, I can feel it happening to myself. 2 years ago, I could stand MTV occasionally. I am this close (appropriate hand motions) to taking it off of my favorites on the ol cable box. Just doesn't offer me anything anymore but Jackass. I listen to most of the music that has videos on the station, but it drives me nuts. I think that the people working on the shows are probably completely nuts. I don't know if there was a massive change over the last 2 years in format, or if I've changed. I don't care and I'm prepared to sit on the porch swing with the double barrel about it.

I hope you aren't hitting a midlife crisis, Wolfguard. it's a bit early... as I'd like to see you live past 70.

Posted by Wolfguard on Feb. 13 2001,09:38
Originally posted by askheaves:
"A kid said, 'And now you know...', and I said, 'and knowing is half the battle.' The kid didn't understand."

wow, the old GI Joe cartoons. I remember those. I get the same look with the same quote.

WHOOPING ASS, although solidly criticized by politicians and overprotective mothers everywhere, is a good thing. If the cavemen had used their unique talents to foster a nurturing and non-competitive environment the planet would be run by leopards
< >

Posted by Wolfguard on Feb. 13 2001,09:46
Originally posted by kuru:
respect for elders is fine..... if those elders deserve the respect.

Given what you know of me i just figured that was a given.
Mostly it was more baseline than that. Its realy hard to explain. Its that entire yes/no sir/mam to people that you dont know. Say nothing instead of giving them a rash of shit. Little things like that.
Cool thing was, if the person was in the wrong my father would in one way or another rip them a new one.

Originally posted by kuru:

and that does not just mean people older than me. i respect people young and old based on whether or not they deserve respect.

this is how i try to do things now. Im getting old and set in my ways and i have to watch myself at times.

WHOOPING ASS, although solidly criticized by politicians and overprotective mothers everywhere, is a good thing. If the cavemen had used their unique talents to foster a nurturing and non-competitive environment the planet would be run by leopards
< >

Posted by Wolfguard on Feb. 13 2001,09:56
Originally posted by askheaves:
I hope you aren't hitting a midlife crisis, Wolfguard. it's a bit early... as I'd like to see you live past 70.

Nope, not a midlife crisis, just a second childhood (or is it my third...) Ill never have a midlife as long as i stay a kid.

Another cool thing about getting old. You can now afford all the cool toys and if you cant afford them you can build them!

More stuff i remember.
Erector sets. Things with sharp metal bits and metal screws.
slot cars
legos that were just blocks, no shapes but blocks
toy guns that looked like guns, and guess what, no one got shot over it.

WHOOPING ASS, although solidly criticized by politicians and overprotective mothers everywhere, is a good thing. If the cavemen had used their unique talents to foster a nurturing and non-competitive environment the planet would be run by leopards
< >

Posted by kuru on Feb. 13 2001,15:02
ahh yes. when toys were toys, and nobody wore a helmet on their big-wheel.

i miss those days.

sometimes it's hard to remember that i'm actually older than heaves... but he calls me nice stuff like 'sweetie' so i guess it's all good on the respect thing. :P

'dancing is the vertical expression of horizontal desire.'
-robert frost

Posted by damage on Feb. 13 2001,15:17
Jesus Christ, Wolfguard, how the hell did we survive as kids!!! Swing sets mounted on concrete slabs (The thumping noise you hear is your skull as it bounces off the concrete.) Metal slides that got so hot in the sun that you would leave a streak of skin as you slid down if you were wearing shorts. Bike helmets? We don' need no stinking bike helmets!!! Electric race tracks that produced enough voltage to jump start a Volvo in the middle of winter. If all that was bad for us why is society so much more fucked up now that Matel is a "kinder and gentler" toy company? And all those toys of death and demise just served to toughen us up, what chance does a generation have without all that?

I do have to agree with Kuru on a point though. Although, I do understand what you are taking about with "Sir, Maam" I don't think age should have anything to do with it. Respect should be earned, not expected. The old guy on his porch, throwing rocks at kids as they walk by yelling "Stay of my lawn you little bastards!" should probably not expect a "Yes, Sir!" response.


"On a long enough timeline the survival rate for anyone drops to zero."
-Narrator 'Fight Club.'

This message has been edited by damage on February 14, 2001 at 10:49 AM

Posted by Dark Knight Bob on Feb. 13 2001,15:19
today is more fucked up cos all the idiots who would usually would have been killed by the things you mentioned have survived due to all the safety standards set.

safety corporations- protecting the stupid people of tommorow

Hey DKB shu'p with all that jibba jabber ya crazy foo!

Posted by damage on Feb. 13 2001,15:26
Ah, Mattel. The genetic weed wacker of the '70's.

I think that was the reason for platform shoes too.

"Maybe if we make the shoes REALLY tall, stupid people will try to walk around in them, their bell bottoms will get all tangled up in them, they'll fall down and break their necks. Plus, the platforms and additional height that they'll be falling from to make the impact worse!" Brilliant! The '70's are ALL so clear now!


"On a long enough timeline the survival rate for anyone drops to zero."
-Narrator 'Fight Club.'

Posted by Wolfguard on Feb. 13 2001,15:50
Originally posted by Dark Knight Bob:
today is more fucked up cos all the idiots who would usually would have been killed by the things you mentioned have survived due to all the safety standards set.

safety corporations- protecting the stupid people of tommorow

I say this all the time.

Fucknuggets flamed while you wait.< >

Posted by whiskey@throttle on Feb. 13 2001,19:51
you know what I miss?


optimus prime

kids getting shot by cops while playing lasertag

bloods vs. crips

cold war nuclear holocaust "duck and cover" drills

hulkamania (and the vitamins, to boot)


crude 80s fashion (hypercolor, hitops, etc)

Posted by whiskey@throttle on Feb. 13 2001,19:52
actually, come to think of it, I don't miss any of that.

everything from the 80s blows.

This message has been edited by whiskey@throttle on February 14, 2001 at 02:53 PM

Posted by askheaves on Feb. 13 2001,20:08
Originally posted by whiskey@throttle:
optimus prime

actually, come to think of it, I don't miss any of that.


Posted by Dark Knight Bob on Feb. 13 2001,20:21
Originally posted by whiskey@throttle:
actually, come to think of it, I don't miss any of that.

everything from the 80s blows.

< shu'p ya crazy foo! >

Posted by Wolfguard on Feb. 14 2001,10:17
other things i remember

Photon (laser tag before there was lasertag)
No warning lables (gee. there was no warning on that screwdriver that said dont stick it in my eye)
You could go to the ER and get help.
The fact that there were less gun laws, more guns, and they were easier to get; and less shootings.
Gas Lines

Fucknuggets flamed while you wait.< >

Posted by WillyPete on Feb. 14 2001,10:34
I reckon modern society's safety standards needs something similar to the GPL-type idea. An all inclusive clause that you can just slap on stuff to protect yourself against liability ad point out to people that they're stupid.
I already have a name for it: The "Dumbass" clause. Essentially, you just make something and slap a "Dumbass Clause" sticker on it. It basically reduces the amount of explicit instructions for NOT killing/injuring yourself with household appliances.

eg: "If you die or are injured due to incorrect use of this product by NOT following the recommended instructions, you are a DUMBASS and deserve your fate."

Can you see future courtroom sagas? "No your honour, the defendant pleads not guilty for their vending machine killing the plaintiff's father as the plaintiff's father was a 'DUMBASS (TM)' and shouldn't have been rocking the damn thing." Judge:"Case dismissed. Victim was a 'DUMBASS' and the human race is better off by the fact that his genes are no longer being sown. Plaintiff will pay Defendant 񘈨 as a reward for culling off said 'DUMBASSGENES (TM)'."

Posted by Wolfguard on Feb. 14 2001,13:54
Originally posted by WillyPete:
Judge:"Case dismissed. Victim was a 'DUMBASS' and the human race is better off by the fact that his genes are no longer being sown. Plaintiff will pay Defendant 񘈨 as a reward for culling off said 'DUMBASSGENES (TM)'."

Need to add

plaintiff will pay defendant 񘈨 then kill off any offspring the plaintiff may have and then kill off the plaintiff. This is to make sure that said DUMBASSGENES(tm) are completely removed from the gene pool and have no chance of propogation.

More shit coming out of my head (maybe i have a tumor...or its all the drinking i do...)
H.R. Puffnstuff
Banana Splits
Sigmond and the sea monsters

sports players that did not make millions a year and played harder than they do today.

Fucknuggets flamed while you wait.< >

Posted by j0eSmith on Feb. 14 2001,21:58
Originally posted by Wolfguard:
sports players that did not make millions a year and played harder than they do today.

Fucking Eh!

I can remember when players started taking dives in hockey. One year some group of stupid fuckwads just started going down to draw the penalty, then the whole league was doing it. Fuck. They used to stay standing unless they absolutly couldn't, even after the meanest hits or high sticks. When the players when down and stayed down, the trainer was out there like a flash. Now every other hit the players down holding his head and play usually continues for a minute before the ref gives in and stops play. Fuck, not to mention Gary Betman (sp?) Fucking with all the rules.

4 on 4 overtimes? Wtf was that? Registered wins? Huh? Even my dad, the biggest hockey fan, can barely stand to watch it now.

When my flying days are over, and my death has come to pass
I hope they bury me upside down, so the whole damn world can kiss my ass

Posted by damage on Feb. 15 2001,12:47
When I was a kid, my family would go to my grand mother's house. My brother and I would go play and run around the entire neighborhood. It was a nice place. Crime was something that happened somewhere else. A few years ago, I rented a house 2 doors down from her house. There was a crack house across the street, someone tried to mug me 2 different times (not the same guy though) and my corner store got robbed at gunpoint 3 times in 6 months.

Other things I remember:
Turn tables
8 track tapes (Maybe I shouldn't remember that.)
Punk rock that knew what punk rock meant.
Safe sex meant a padded head board.
MTV (MUSIC Television) put MUSIC VIDEOS on TV.
Reality TV was the news.


"On a long enough timeline the survival rate for anyone drops to zero."
-Narrator 'Fight Club.'

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