Forum: (news posts)
Topic: Goodbye Detnet2, Hello Detnet2.1
started by: forumwhore

Posted by forumwhore on Jul. 12 2002,01:24
Here's the current Detnet site;

We like it, it runs, lotsa affection for it, and thankyou for the contributions you guys made..... but....

Here's the new Detnet (crosses fingers)

See for yourself at
< Jim's Prototype Site >

So, I ask Jim, you wanna put a banner ad for yourself?
"nah, don't need it"

Kay, what's the catch here?  Gotta be something.

Jim says, "I gotta change some of the colors, they suck"

Like that's a problem.  Damn is my new car yellow instead of red?  I forgot to notice!

So there is a catch or two.
1. Moving the forums and not messing up.
That is a biggie for me.  It should work though.

2. PHP has to be enabled on the Detnet server.
   I think it's there, just not on.  If it's not there or
   going to be there, kay, Houston, that would bite.

3.  (heh) We all have to get used to having so many
    new choices, and abilities, we'll need time to get
    used to all the new stuff.   I think we can adapt to

Tighter security (funny how that would come up)
PMs that work!  All members can submit news!  Syndication!
Links page!
Members can post music files and I spose video too!

In all, I've been to a lot of sites and I can't really think of anything left out of this one!

Just gotta get it up there with these forums!

You know what I'm thinking, there *has* to be more problems or catches.  I'm sure there are.  So we'll see.

There's more good news.

For now, I, speaking for Detnet, am Pickled Tink.
Posted by joelthegreat on Jul. 12 2002,01:38
he he's purdy.... lookaround.gif
Posted by Beldurin on Jul. 12 2002,05:02
moving the forums doesn't have to be a problem.  Are we planning on switching to using the PHPNuke BB?  If we are, we're in for a world of shit xferring and converting.  If not, all we have to do is set the new site in around iB and change the forums link on the front page.  ACK...I said front page...I mean the opening I have to go take a shower... :p
Posted by a_stupid_box on Jul. 12 2002,09:48
<sigh> Yet another good site submits to the friggin' easy road and unoriginality that is "slash".  When will the madness stop?  Amazing how the entire net seems to follow the flow of 20th century AmeriKa.  100 years summarized in 10.

Anywho, it was a good run, even after cr0wbar left.  My frustration is no fault of the site, admittedly -- just my inability to handle EVERY SITE I SEE WITH THE SAME LAYOUT!!!  I miss those days before JAVAscript, I truly do.

Maybe I'm just st00pid and like to fight the times -- I have been before.  Even knowing that this is probably the case, I can't help but feel that I need to avoid seeing of all sites slip into the "improved ease of use AND functionality!!!!!!11" world alongside AOL and Windows XP, or I may have a psychotic episode.  I fear the next change after this will be the same which befell

Though I may have been silent in the forums until now, I have been with DetNet for well over a year.  I will continue to direct people here based on content, regardless of my personal feelings towards the layout.

-- a_stupid_box
Posted by jim on Jul. 12 2002,12:41
Quote (a_stupid_box @ 11 July 2002,19:48)
"improved ease of use AND functionality!!!!!!11"

You say that like it's such a sin...

When you go out to buy a new car, do you refuse to get power windows, cause it's too damn easy.

Do you start a fire out in backyard to cook your meals because a stove takes all the fun out of it...

I don't really see your point.  This is no different than even what cr0 was doing.

He used NewsPro and kTalk for his News and comments, and UBB for his forums.

This new concept just takes thing further by marrying all these features that are extremely usable and wraps them under a template, session state, and user management system.

This allows for layouts to be completed over the course of hours, and not days.  And once live, allows dynamic functionality that is user engaging.  By involving the community and creating that interactivity is what keeps visitors coming back.

The only thing that is hardcoded is the backend, the layout can be changed, and that seems to be what your concern is "this site looks like that site" blah blah blah...

You are more than welcome, or actually anyone is more than welcome to the theme source files to whip up something of their own.
Posted by a_stupid_box on Jul. 14 2002,08:18
[quote=jim,12 July 2002,04:41][/quote]

You say that like it's such a sin...

When you go out to buy a new car, do you refuse to get power windows, cause it's too damn easy.

It's not about ease of use, it's about style.  Would you honestly buy a car that looked like every other one except for different coloration?

You took a sarcastic statement and chose that as the basis for your argument.  You've lost points right there.


Do you start a fire out in backyard to cook your meals because a stove takes all the fun out of it...

I don't really see your point...

It's sarcasm, slugger, which is probably why you don't see the point.  And I don't know if anyone has ever told you this, but making overly absurd comparisons is actually an insult to yourself (unless you're paid to do so).


This new concept just takes thing further by marrying all these features that are extremely usable and wraps them under a template, session state, and user management system.

Oh.  Really.  I'd have never guessed that I KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT.  Though I can see where the confusion lies, so many don't these days.


This allows for layouts to be completed over the course of hours, and not days.

Valid point.  So does MS Front Page or any number of page construction programs, however.  Doesn't instantly make any of those "better" than just going into notepad/wordpad and banging it out.


And once live, allows dynamic functionality that is user engaging.  By involving the community and creating that interactivity is what keeps visitors coming back.

Do you work in marketing by any chance?  The way you're totally oblivious to the fact that you're arguing a point I never stated any objection to, and your inability to actually comprehend the finer points of my post suggest it.


The only thing that is hardcoded is the backend, the layout can be changed, and that seems to be what your concern is "this site looks like that site" blah blah blah...

Gee, if it's that awesome, then why am I even complaining?  Oh, that's right, because of ALL the sites EVERYWHERE that use it I can see an annoying similarity.  REGARDLESS of how it's customized.  My concern is just that -- MY concern.  I made it quite clear in my original post.

I actually had considered writing that it would take a real braintrust to argue to my message (by the way, sarcasm again, kiddo), but opted not to in order to show my more-or-less disapproving yet non-confrontational stance.  What I _AM_ defensive about here is my right to my own opinion.

All in all I give your post a 2/10 (with 5 being average).  Points as follows:

[+1]  Correct spelling
[+1]  Knowledge of "SLASH" draw points

[-2]  Based primary argument on sarcastic remark
[-2]  Ridiculous comparisons
[-2]  Argued what was clearly marked as an opinion
[-2]  Writing like a marketing employee

Geez, and I'd just come back here by accident, too...
Posted by forumwhore on Jul. 14 2002,09:04
I am grateful to life that it would react to me.

what would you rather we do?

You have created incredible resistance; what is the initative?

What would be the form? the result?

How do I know you won't answer the question?
Admins, not now.

we are all in over our heads.
Posted by forumwhore on Jul. 14 2002,09:27
fucking awesome post
(there will be no answer)
Posted by jim on Jul. 14 2002,13:42
So basically all your saying in your 100's of words of rambling is...  "Waa, this site looks similar to another I've seen."

Way to go!

I think I'll chance it.
Posted by forumwhore on Jul. 14 2002,20:24
I admit I have a hard time adapting to other peoples' views of the net, and this site.
Things can be changed in just a couple clicks, instantly.

I cannot think of how Jim's site would be inferior to this one in any way.....  anyone?

People make such a hue and cry over the littlest things, like adding "report this post to a moderator".
And now no one cares.  

Maybe Jim's site will be Detnet's permanent home, I have no idea and can't predict the future.

It sure looks good to me!
Posted by forumwhore on Jul. 15 2002,06:52
Dear Outsiders; if you have a problem with that with which you partook no creation, at least give a direction to look in for the future.
Posted by forumwhore on Jul. 15 2002,06:56
Lurkers, nm.  
I think I just grew up a little.
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