Forum: (news posts)
Topic: I Spy, You Spy, Where's The New Site By and By?
started by: forumwhore

Posted by forumwhore on Jul. 17 2002,20:37

Kay then.  
I called the webhost's office before I was going to go there.
He's a no BS kinda guy.
If he emailed me "no PHP" last December, he'll expect me to remember it... etc.

I checked all the email I have.  Nada.

So I called and the tech said that I was wrong, he doesn't have 8-12 clients anymore, he has 40-50.  His business is booming!

"Well, I've been emailing him for days and I have had no reply whatsoever, plus or minus, just nothing."

 Lighten up, he will probably get to it on the weekends."

"umm, so I should let it lay till next Monday?"

"Something like that."

I was a little confused, since webhost's business revolves around internet data transfer w/o websites and the fact that he would put Detnet of all sites on his server stunned me.

And then he bought out of his own pocket a seperate server for Detnet and my commercial site and another one.

Ergo, we can do whatever we like and it won't affect his servers.
He also switched to SDSL without billing me.

So why the none answer?  "Busy" is what I got.
I was going to drive over there.

I repeated myself several times to drive home the
(not urgency) the *immediacy* of Jim's request.

There ya go.

It always takes longer and costs more than you think.
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