Forum: The Classroom
Topic: I survived
started by: Beldurin

Posted by Beldurin on Jul. 21 2002,19:10
Master of Science
Cisco Certified Network Associate
2002 Creative Leadership Award
3.8 GPA

Another piece of paper to add to the wall.  Another plaque to hang with the others.  Another chapter in my life closed.  Moving on...

Well folks, after all of my bitching over the last year about grad school, it's over.  I'm done.  Finished all of my classes, exams, requirements...I now have a post-graduate degree.

Now what?

Well, for those of you who care (those who don't can close the thread now), I thought I had a job in Indianapolis.  Not my ideal locale, but the money was too good to pass up ($65-70K).  I started working for them as a contractor but they led me to believe that as long as I wasn't a total screw-up, I'd have a full-time position once I graduated.  Well, they've been jerking me around lately, and I've realized that, even if they make me an offer, I probably won't take it.  I would more than likely hate it is good, but it's not worth hating work every day.

So my name is in for a special projects position with Verizon Avenue in Virginia.  I have a friend on the inside talking me up and some of the bigwigs from my school leaning on the higher-ups for me.  However, on Friday the director of my program offered me a job, and offered to hold it for me until I know about the VZA job.  I would be in charge of specifying, setting up, configuring, and maintaining all of the new labs and new lab equipment...also getting the current stuff in top condition (since right now it's not doing so hot), and may include some teaching, too.  The money's decent, and the university work environment is very laid-back.  The problem is that it's still in Muncie, and I'm really tired of Muncie.

We'll see.

Aside from stress level is low, I have a job to fall back on if I don't get the one I want.  I'm young, I'm educated, I'm not in debt, I'm healthy (almost recovered from wisdom teeth), and there's a lot out there.  It turns out, when you get a chance to stop and take a deep breath, life isn't so bad after all.
Posted by forumwhore on Jul. 21 2002,19:16
Was going to mention your teeth and stuff...

You are doing very very well... buy a lottery ticket for me?

Beldurin, feel that luck now.

Is it not exquisite?

It won't always be there.

When you got it, you got it.
Use it Sir.
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