Forum: Sex
Topic: Not the best place, but...
started by: Mute

Posted by Mute on Sep. 13 2000,23:08
I'm not sure if this is the right place, but here it goes.

I have ALOT of friends who are always talking to me about their gf and their wonderful nights, and I feel REALLY left out. I've never had a gf in my life, and it is really starting to bug me. I'm an EXTREMELY shy person, so don't give me that be-yourself crap, I have for years and it has gotten me nowhere. just give alittle help to a pathetic soul, plzkthx!

Quoth the Mute," ."

Posted by kuru on Sep. 14 2000,00:38
go to parties.
even if you're not the life of the party, it'll give you a chance to be approached by others

'if your children ever found out how lame you are, they'd kill you in your sleep.' -frank zappa

Posted by Mute on Sep. 14 2000,01:13
Well, I would, but if you live in my corner of Cali, you would know that thereare no parties. Dullest place on earth, or at least tieing with any place that Ben Stien goes. Thanks for the advice, though.

Quoth the Mute," ."

[This message has been edited by Mute (edited September 13, 2000).]

Posted by Ozymandias on Sep. 14 2000,01:14
I feel the same way a lot of times, Mute.

kuru: Not to say that's not good advice, because sometimes it is, but some people truly dislike parties. I don't know if Mute is one of them or not [okay, so he's not], but I for one, really hate them. It would be a rare occasion if I went to a party. It's not my environment, and I wouldn't feel comfortable, and would most likely just leave really damn angry.

But where is < Gamera >?

[This message has been edited by Ozymandias (edited September 13, 2000).]

Posted by Mute on Sep. 14 2000,01:21
Ozymandias: You are right kinda. Parties aren't my atmosphere exactly, but I do still like them. Though chances are I'm one of the people in the corner until I decide to leave.
Posted by Rhydant on Sep. 14 2000,02:24
Mute -- do you live in Escondido or near it? its pretty damned dul down here too.... but i feel your pain man. but ive had a gf

UT 0wnz j00 all!

Posted by Mute on Sep. 14 2000,02:33
Nope, Central Cali. VERY dull here.

Quoth the Mute," ."

Posted by Willy Pete on Sep. 14 2000,11:17
Dammit Mute, you're still in high school. Don't feel the pressure to get a gf just 'cause everyone has one. Say "so what" and carry on. Try and organise cool, different stuff to do. There's gotta be some kids who'd want to maybe go to a lake for a night-over barbecue or something. Some of the best times I had didn't involve parties or booze/drugs. You remember those the clearest I suppose.
You could try something totally weird, like signing up for a class doing something you would never think of doing or need in the future. Meeting someone in that kind of environment gives you something in common to talk about.
Talk about it and just go 'Hey I'm hungry, let's talk about this while we eat.' Just say 'Let's go.', not 'Do you wanna?'. People like decisiveness in others.
Before trying to settle on one girl, date a few. If you're a fun, humourous guy who can talk about different things, girls will find this cool and you'll probably get a few good friends this way. They'll tell their friends, so when their friends get asked by you, they'll be totally cool with it. Shit, even ask out 2 or more of them at the same time. Don't even try and match them with other guys. I've done this and found that the girls find it quite refreshing not to be under the pressure of having a guy ask them out just to get laid. You'll probably a call from them asking you out later on. Girl Friends are usually better than girl-friends at your stage in life.
Posted by kuru on Sep. 14 2000,16:00
i wasn't tryin to say that a party is the only place to meet people. there are tons of things you can do if you really wanna see some fresh faces. like take a class that none of your friends are in. if you want a way to interact with girls, see if your high school has a drama or acting class, all the lines are rehearsed, so it's not high pressure.

not saying that this is all you can do, but it's just an idea of one thing. even tho i don't really like some things, like clubs/parties i go to them anyway and hang out in the corner to watch people and see who approaches me. my point was that if you're shy and you want to be approached, just go out to places that people socialize a lot. there's bound to be someone there who's not shy who'll start a conversation.

'if your children ever found out how lame you are, they'd kill you in your sleep.' -frank zappa

Posted by brodie on Sep. 15 2000,03:30
ummm... yeah
i'm a college freshman with a gf. we've been going out for like 14 months or so. i love her and would never cheat or anything, but DAMN! if i didn't have a gf, i'd be in the money here. the first few months of college are girl heaven. all they want to do (no offense to females out there, most of these girls do) is "fool around" and have sex. i don't know if that's what you're into, but if you don't have a gf, you have the time of your life. don't get me wrong, without doing anything on the female side, i'm still having LOTS of fun getting drunk and such, but.... don't worry about a gf. especially once you get to college (or at least till sophomore year.... )

Now every face looks familiar
Then every face would melt away until now
Everyone, do you know?
I know your deception

Posted by Evil_Monkey on Sep. 17 2000,14:37
Not everyone is looking for a one nighter. It seems to me that a lot of people on this forum don't want that, but actually want a meaningful relationship. I'm one of them. I have no true friends, no one I can talk to about computers, and no one I can pour my heart out upon. It just leaves me this really pent up ball of loneliness. I really do try to meet people, but it always ends up wrong.
Posted by Sithiee on Sep. 17 2000,16:36
maybe thats just it, i know this will make me an uber geek, but yoda did say it best.

"Do, or do not. There is no try."

truer words were never spoken.

Posted by darksol on Sep. 17 2000,22:49
just start talking to people. I used to be a lot more shy myself, but once I decided that i had enough of being alone I just started getting to know more people. The point of this is to get to know more females, which in turn allows more females to know you and actually think about you. And after that, you start talking to them more and more, and that gets rid of the shy problem.


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