Forum: Sex
Topic: Sex toys.....
started by: mkymky

Posted by mkymky on Aug. 27 2000,13:10
Who really enjoys whips and chains? Getting whipped acroos the ass! Getting hand-cuffed to the bed? What are favs of your? How bout the lotion also? edible? OHHH YEA!!!!
Posted by PersonGuy on Aug. 28 2000,01:36
Fetishes such as wips and stuff are caused by a fear of intamacy. The person has to mask their sexual feeling with something to get off. Now you do it just every once in a while to spice things up, then it's not to bad. But that leather is a little too pricy I think!

Anyway, I didn't really answer you question, I just wanted to say that...

<P:\>erson\Guy.exe -PersonGuy *pERSONgUY.cfg
< >

Posted by Wolfguard on Aug. 28 2000,10:07
I think you wrong there PG.

In a BDSM relationship you are putting your complete trust in the person with the whip. If you have a fear of intamacy you will never be able to trust them. I have seen people in 24/7 BDSM relationships(Thats all the time people) that are so into eachother that it is almost to much to take. all it is the exploration of the fine line between pleasure and pain and the limits of both.

Nuke em' till they glow and shoot em’ in the dark and let the computer sort em' out.
Then wait for a mutation…

Posted by mkymky on Aug. 28 2000,20:43
I really dont think its a fear of intamacy but a bit on the side to spice it up like pg said! It adds a bit of pleasure to both sexs! Also it is a tad bit expensive for the toys, especially the leather! But one price worth paying is for the flavored lotion! Especially when u get to lick *all* of it off! Its a great treat!........
Posted by demonk on Aug. 28 2000,21:08
People who do this stuff every once in a while are doing it for the resons that are mentioned above. It's the ones who do it hapitually that are hiding. You know that addage "The best defense is a good offense"? Well, these people take that to heart. They creat a tough, scary looking exterior to cover their scared, hurt inside.

Just follow this rule (it works with pratically everything in life):
A little is good and healthy, a lot is overindulgance and dangerous.

Posted by Sithiee on Aug. 28 2000,23:45
that would be put better with "Less is More", works with everything except when it comes to pontiac. WIDER IS BETTER!!!!!
Posted by PersonGuy on Aug. 29 2000,02:33
LOL, yah, and chicks go with the WIDER IS BETTER rule too!

Anyway... you miss understood (some of you). The word "fetish" is severly miss used these days. It mean that someone can ONLY get off in certain situations that are designed to avoid inimacy... whether it be sitting on faces, sucking on toes, or beating(/getting beated) with wips! When you NEED that it becomes a fetish, with is a fear of intimacy, and these tools are required to distract you from the idea that your getting close to someone.

Now... a nice crack in the ass every once in a while... NOTHING wrong with that! Mabey some role play... hot wax... who knows! It's all fair play if used in moderation!

<P:\>erson\Guy.exe -PersonGuy *pERSONgUY.cfg
< >

Posted by kuru on Aug. 31 2000,16:20
when it comes to sex toys.. there are some simple rules i like to follow.

everything but:

permanent scars
burn marks
extra guests
family members
being blindfolded
bruises in visible areas
broken bones
anything ending with a trip to the emergency room
man made drugs
not respecting the safeword.

anything not on the list, is fair game.

'if your children ever found out how lame you are, they'd kill you in your sleep.' -frank zappa

[This message has been edited by kuru (edited August 31, 2000).]

Posted by demonk on Aug. 31 2000,16:39
Why not blind folded?

If you trust your partner completely and love each other, then blind folding one person really makes for an interesting event. Just have lots of feathers, strawberries (if your not alergic to them) and ice cubes around, and you can really have some intense foreplay.

Posted by kuru on Aug. 31 2000,20:00
personal quirk i guess, blindfolds scare the hell out of me. maybe i had a bad experience in some non-sexual situation as a kid... don't know.

plus, i'm really visually stimulated.. i like to see what's going on, cause it gets me goin better. blindfolds durin foreplay.. maybe. but that depends on who with.

'if your children ever found out how lame you are, they'd kill you in your sleep.' -frank zappa

Posted by mkymky on Sep. 01 2000,00:31
I dont mind the blindfold thing! But the rest the rules r kewl! Blindfols can be worn or not worn! Its just the motion that is goin on yall! hehe! And aboutt he food! hehe! Food is awesome! especially when you et to lick every spec off of them! hehe! Choclate syrup, whipped cream, ice cream, and a cherry on top!!!!!! hehe! <}o-
Posted by kixzor2 on Sep. 01 2000,11:18
I know of this chick who likes getting BandAids (sticking plasters) getting ripped off her nipples and neither regions!

OW!!!!!! *shudder*

Posted by Wolfguard on Sep. 01 2000,12:52
not as bad as the industral nipple clamps with the weights

Nuke em' till they glow and shoot em’ in the dark and let the computer sort em' out.
Then wait for a mutation…

Posted by mkymky on Sep. 01 2000,16:41
All i have to say is:


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