Forum: Sex
Topic: Genital Peircing
started by: kixzor2

Posted by kixzor2 on Aug. 23 2000,00:18
Do you have genital peircings? If not - Would you ever get it done?
Why not? Do you think it's sexy for a chick?
Posted by Pete the Pirate on Aug. 23 2000,02:09
Because i aint gonna cause myself unneccesary pain for no reason, no matter how much it MAY improve sex
i seen my fair share of porn and genetil pearcings creep me out, plus it would be extremly intimidating to guys who arent that experienced or have to much of an open mind.

[This message has been edited by Pete the Pirate (edited August 22, 2000).]

Posted by Sithiee on Aug. 23 2000,02:27
a resounding no. if im not gonna pierce my ear, or my eyelid, or nose, or tongue, or whatever, then why would i pierce something thats extra sensitive to pain??
Posted by demonk on Aug. 23 2000,13:50
I think that people who pierce their genitals have some issues to work out. They try to hide behind the notion that it will improve their sex life, but really they are just angry at themselves and feel a need to inflict pain on themselves. I mean, how can anyone seriously think it would be cool or feel goot to take a sharp object and ram it through their penis's head or through vaginal folds???? Ouch!
Posted by jim on Aug. 23 2000,14:30
I would never get myself done, but you'd be surprised how much harder a chick gets off if SHE has her clit pierced. You see, when you are having sex with a woman the clit isn't stimulated more often than not, but by the woman having a loop through it, your body rubbing against the piercing will stimulate her making her orgasm over and over and over again.

Personally I don't think it's very attractive, but after having sex with 2 different women that have genital piercings.... WOW, I'm convinced.

< Brews and Cues >

Posted by Observer on Aug. 24 2000,03:06
though after a while, the constant clitoral stimulation will be blocked by the brain, making it completely numb. Now, we don't want that, do we?

A good programmer is someone who looks both ways on a one-way street

Posted by PersonGuy on Aug. 24 2000,16:53
You beat me to the punch... that's right. In 99\% of cases, clitoral peircing will improve orasms for a while, then it will SIGNIFICANTLY decrease to way worse than before the peircing was in place.

<P:\>erson\Guy.exe -PersonGuy *pERSONgUY.cfg
< >

Posted by Ozymandias on Aug. 24 2000,20:57
Anyone here ever seen Tetsuo: Iron Man?

Reason enough for me.

But where is < Gamera >?

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